Greetings church family and beyond,
Don’t you just love the honesty of the Word of God?
Nothing is hidden concerning the human condition in the Word of God. Within each
narrative, we discover our stories and all the emotions and challenges of today.
Have you ever found yourself being frustrated with God? There are times when,
seeking direction, guidance and wisdom, you earnestly pray and — nothing. In these
moments it is difficult to sense His nearness. You find yourself every day having
more questions than answers.
We have been following the journeys of Moses and Joshua. Both leaders have been
called into leadership ministry. Their stories from the beginning have been honest and
transparent about themselves and the people they are leading.
Exodus 33 gives us one of the most detailed accounts of a face-to-face meeting
between God and Moses. As the others are setting up their tents, Moses journeys a
distance outside the parameters of the camp to set up the tent of meeting. This was the
portable Temple where he would enter. When he did, the glory of God filled the tent.
It was here Moses poured his heart out. It was here Moses would listen as God spoke.
In this encounter, you can sense the frustration of God’s leader. Details of the trip
have not been given to Moses in advance. Remember his upbringing in the courts of
Pharaoh? He is a leader among all leaders. He is used to plans being drawn up and
executed. Now, as the servant/leader of God, plans are not forthcoming. He has to rely
on daily meetings with God.
In this meeting, Moses addresses God in a frustrated manner. “Look. You tell me,
lead this people, but you don’t let me know whom you’re going to send with me.
You tell me, I know you well and you are special to me. If I am so special to you,
let me in on your plans. That way, I will continue being special to you. Don’t
forget, this is your people, your responsibility.”
Following this heart-rending speech, Moses draws the line in the sand. “If your
Presence doesn’t take the lead here, call this trip off. How else will it be known
that you are with me in this, with me and your people? How else will we know
that we are special? And God said, “My presence will go with you. I will see the
journey to the end.”
The NIV renders it this way, “What else will distinguish us from all the people of
the earth?”
Today, remember this word from His Word, you are Loved, Special, and Beloved.
Pastor Taylor
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